Defending Youth Justice
In The Digital Age
Join us in the fight to end surveillance and build a future where all youth thrive with dignity and justice!
The NOTICE Coalition: No Tech Criminalization in Education is a national network of advocates, researchers and organizers building a movement to end youth surveillance in schools and defend youth justice in the digital age. We empower Black, Brown, Indigenous, disabled, LGBTQIA+ and other historically marginalized people to build liberated futures.
Since 2021, the NOTICE Coalition has sounded the alarm on the impact of police surveillance, digital pushout, and data criminalization on the rights and freedoms of youth and young adults in public education and beyond.
Automating School Surveillance: How Student Vape Detection Technologies Threaten to Expand the School-to-Prison Pipeline in Minnesota and Beyond
Dangerous Data: What Communities Should Know about Artificial Intelligence, the School-to-Prison Pipeline, and School Surveillance, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)